
Showing posts from October, 2022

Photography A-Z

A B - Baby C - Ceramic D - Duck E F - Fern G H - Half-Mast I J K L - Linishing M - Minster N - Nail O P - Peacock Q - Quazzi ( A horse ) R - Rose S -  Sunset T - Thistle U V W - Welding X Y Z x

Key Photographic Terms

  Aperture The variable opening inside the lens which allows you to control light and DoF Bracketing Taking multiple photos and varying exposure, allows you to get photos at perfect exposure as well as ones which are too light or too dark. Bulb A setting on your camera which allows you to get full control of the exposure of the camera and vary the length, you hold the button in and it exposes while you have it pressed DSLR Digital Single-Lens Reflex Any digital camera with interchangeable lenses where the image is viewed through a mirror and the camera uses a prism EV Exposure value, a number which is the combination of the shutter speed and aperture. Exposure The light in an image from decreasing shutter speed or increasing aperture size (larger hole),  this would have a high EV F-stop A measure of the aperture opening in the lens defined by dividing the focal length of the lens by the aperture diameter.

Assignment 2 - Effects of Aperture on Images and Composition

  Aperture f/20 - Causes less bokeh and also reduces light in image composition Aperture f/10 - Causes some more bokeh than f/20 and allows more light in  Aperture f/5.6 - causes a large amount of bokeh and allows a brighter image, shorter exposures can be used while in f/8 to f/1.4 and at daytime. Aperture f/22 - causes very little bokeh and causes a darker image, longer exposure is suggested while using this, unless the area is extremely bright  Definitions Bokeh - blur in the foreground and background of an image, commonly used to make viewers focus on the subject and nothing else.

Making a Photogram

Making photograms includes parts of photographic processing, rendering, fixing, stopping and washing, along with controlling the exposure of the photographic paper.  Photograms are usually produced by an artist or photographer placing items with, sometimes unique, properties over a page or part of photographic paper, these items may be glass, steel, translucent or opaque, allowing for light to pass through and create effects on a page. The exposure of photograms ranges from less than a second to a few seconds depending on the enlarger's light levels. Photographic paper refers to light-sensitive paper, there are many different types of photographic paper, some which are light sensitive and display in black and white, black and white with a blue 'cold' tone,  cyanotype or 'blueprint' papers which display in cyan colours/ blues,  chlorobromide papers which are quite sensitive to light and are used for enlarging,  chloride papers which are relatively insensitive to l...

Researching the Art Movement of Expressionism

Expressionism is a modernist art movement which initially begun in poetry and painting in Northern Europe, the art distorts the image of reality to  express the feelings or views of the artists inner feelings or ideas. This is Wheat field with Crows by Vincent Van Gogh, this painting uses long lines of paint and a oil paint pallet, this allows an expression of the natural image which is rather ominous as this is deemed as the last painting of Van Gogh before he took his own life (although "Tree Roots" was his actual last painting)  The fact that the painting has sharper edges and an almost unrefined look makes it have more aggressive connotations and can also promote sorrow thanks to the blue sky. The crows, which are black, connote death and depression as darkness represents nothingness. This image is my own expressionist piece, it depicts a forest and field using purples, pinks and reds which intend to connote feelings of love, happiness, calmness, prosperity and happiness...

Researching the Art Movement of Cubism

David  Hockney  - Place Furstenberg Paris This painting by David Hockney, depicts a place in Paris, France by using multiple cut and pasted parts of an image to show the almost panoramic view of the area, cubism is definite in the collage as there are visual borders between images. This collage is depicting two plants, both in macro photos, the right-hand image consisting of three photos and the left-hand image consisting of  two photos, a small marquee square applied on top of the larger images.